“Only 30% of digital transformation projects result in improved performance.”
Whether it’s products, strategies, or projects … make it what they want so you get what you want.
Be a success.
The people that will use the product, tool or process can tell you if what you are building will work. With POPin, they can score your likelihood of success so you have a data point to report. But more importantly, they will tell you HOW you can make it something they actually WANT … so you can be a success.
Supporting the innovation cycle
Ask: “Please rate the likelihood of success for our new rollout and suggest ONE thing we could do to strengthen its adoption.”
Ask: “Please rate your current level of confidence in the state of the project and suggest ONE thing we could do to get it back on track.”
Ask: “What ONE thing can we do in the next version of the rollout to make it better for you?”
Case Study: UPenn
Effective IT organizations are brilliant about engaging their stakeholders. They know how to ask for input about strategic priorities, and they excel at tapping into the true requirements of end-users. Watch how UPenn’s CIO uses POPin to efficiently engage the right people at the right time to innovate and transform.